Anne & Joe's Wedding

For whatever reason, we seem to book a lot of nurses for weddings. That works out great for us because they have all been amazing to work with. While Anne is not a nurse, she does work at a hospital and that’s how she heard about our work. She got to see it first hand when the bride or groom brought their wedding album in to show everyone at work. Nothing like some free advertising! HA!

You may remember that we held their engagement session at the same time an Edmonton Oiler playoff game was starting. Well, good news/bad news was that the Oilers were out of the playoffs by their wedding day.

Anne & Joe’s day was filled with many events. Apart from the regular Ceremony and Reception there was a tea ceremony, a first look, and several fun games that the Groom and his Groomsmen had to participate in before the Bride would make her appearance.

The Ceremony and Reception were both held at the Edmonton Marriott at River Cree Resort. Because we did not have to travel from venue to venue it allowed us to get a lot of photos in a shorter amount of time.

The weather cooperated as well. We didn’t get rained on in spite of threatening clouds. It actually got quite nice out!

All-in-all everyone had a great time! We are very happy for Anne & Joe!